Research Watchlist Functionality
Users are able to access all Watchlists from the Research Tab.
Click the to access the dropdown list as shown in the graphic.
Lists with more than 20 symbols will have a scroll bar allowing for easier research of larger lists.
All other functionality remains the same: Symbols can be moved to other lists, have alerts set, deleted, add Journal notes

When a symbol is entered in the Symbol Search Box on the Research Tab, the symbol will automatically be displayed on the default “Recents” list.
In addition, when a symbol or group of symbols is sent to Research from anywhere else on the platform, it will appear on a list under the default “Recents” list.
Examples of when the “Recents” list will be displayed:
- Sending a symbol/symbols from a list on a Watch Tab.
- Selecting a group of symbols from a Scan or Screener list.
- Clicking on the Technical Icon from any symbol when not in the Research Tab. will be displayed under “Recents”.
The functionality of adding a note, an alert or sending a symbol to a specific list remains the same.