Top Level Navigation
Designed with workflow in mind
Our system is designed to align with trading workflow.
Start with Market to see an overview of the current market. Watch will keep you on track with your stocks. Find will assist in identifying opportunities. Research gives you all the detail you need.
Score Navigation
The Scores are also navigation shortcuts!
Anywhere you see the Score icons they are available to directly access Technical Analysis, Inner Circle, Valuation, and Fundamental research. Clicking on the symbol itself will direct you to the stock dashboard.

Score Navigation
The Scores are also navigation shortcuts!
Anywhere you see the Score icons they are available to directly access Technical Analysis, Inner Circle, Valuation, and Fundamental research. Clicking on the symbol itself will direct you to the stock dashboard.

Score Navigation
The Scores are also navigation shortcuts!
Anywhere you see the Score icons they are available to directly access Technical Analysis, Inner Circle, Valuation, and Fundamental research. Clicking on the symbol itself will direct you to the stock dashboard.