Premium Features Release: Custom Home Page & Alert Functionality
Features Release Notes:
Custom Home Page, Alert Capability
Announcing: New Powerful Premium Features Added to the Trade Tool Trading Platform
Two new features, exclusive to the premium desktop version of the trading platform have been designed and implemented to help you make better trading decisions and have more control in managing existing trades.
Custom is located in the redesigned former Market Tab and gives you control of features you want to see in one customizable location.
Alerts gives you more control of your trading by setting up notifications set by your criteria.
Both features allow for expansion on future releases.
Custom Home Page

You now have a Custom Home page!
Located in the “Home” Tab (formerly Market), this is a flexible feature which allows for a convenient way to research trades or find opportunities – in one place – all defined by you.
Start by adding Widgets: Chart, Quote and News pertaining to the stock, and even Market News The platform system will automatically adjust according to the available space on your desktop/laptop.
Each symbol can have multiple Chart set-ups – each with their own time period, chart type and indicators.
Want to rearrange the widgets? Custom allows you to do so.
Want to keep the settings, but change the selected stocks quickly? That’s covered too.

Alert Functionality

Alert capability gives you more control of managing existing trades or being notified of possible trade opportunities. Set by Last Price, $ or % Change, % Offset or Volume.
Receive triggered alerts on your computer and/or mobile device (with the mobile app).
Alert Management, located in Research, allows for easy modifying or removing active alerts from your current list.
Increase your profitability while minimizing risk on existing trades with this powerful feature!
Alerts are easily set up from the Research Dashboard.
Click on the bell icon, located in the Quote Box,
Complete each field
Click “Save”
Quotes are RealTime if you have Streaming Quotes on the platform – OR – have a linked brokerage account that provides RealTime quotes to the platform – AND – have logged into that account in the last 30 days.

Change Log
- Researching Staged Orders resolved
- Adjustments/Building trades in Order Ticket issues corrected
- Deleting Snapshot trade in chain corrected
- Research/Dashboard/EPS data aligned
- Scroll bar improvement on PCs in Journal, Watch Lists
- Corrected “Position/Order Display” on Charts
- “Existing Positions” label displays on Charts
- Earnings display corrected when adding 10,30,60,90 periods
- TDA – History data updated
- TDA – Login resolved for Android mobile & Google Pixel