Enabling Notifications
Below is a general guide to enabling Notifications on your Desktop/Laptop and Mobile devices.
Please note: Settings/Configurations vary by device. It is important for you to be familiar with your system/device. When in doubt, refer to the Help function on your computer/phone. An internet search of ‘How do I…” for your device is also helpful.
- Open the Apple Menu
- Select System Preferences
- Select Notifications
- Select Browser

Hint: While on the platform, click on the Lock Icon in the browser bar to check status of/enable notifications.

Customize how you want Notifications to display.
- Allow from Browser
- Banners or Alerts
- Allow Sound
- Sort functions – how often, when, what, etc.
Follow illustrations: Settings>Notification>App>Customize

- Click the Windows Icon to access PC Menu
- Select Settings>System
- Select “Privacy & Security” on the next window
- Under “Notifications”, select either “Allow” or “Ask”
Hint: While on the platform, click on the Lock icon in the browser to check the Notification status

Follow illustrations: Settings>Notifications>Apps>Customize/Manage

Platform Features Release: Additional Alert Functionality, Watch List Alerts, Info Button, Trade from Charts
Features Release Notes:
Additional Alert Capability, Set Watchlist Alerts, Alert Management Info Button, New Trade Button on Charts
Announcing: Expanded Alert Capabilities, Watchlist Alerts Information Button, Trade Function from Charts
We’ve increased Alert capabilities to give users more ability to identify trade entry, exit and management opportunities. An Info button (i) is added to on the Alert Management Page to assist/guide users on the criteria offered.
Set Alerts by Watchlist as well as individual symbol.
Trade functionality is available from the Charts, streamlining the process when you have an existing trade or staged trade. Where there are more than one position on the same symbol, you’ll be given the option of what action to take.
Increased Alert Functionality

Set Alerts by Watchlist
You are able to set Alerts on your Personal Watchlists . There are 2 ways to do this:
1. On the Watch Tab using the Alert Icon in the Icon bar
2. The Alert Management Page, click “Watchlist”, then select from the drop-down which will automatically populate available lists to choose from.
Criteria available for single stock/etf symbols are available to set for an entire watchlist, include Real Time, up to 6 month activation and the ability to add Notes.
Clicking the “Detail” button will display the symbols contained in the selected Watchlist

With the exception of Last Price, all Methods are available for both individual alerts as well as Watchlist Alerts.
Simple Moving Average
Exponential Moving Average
Bollinger Bands
Keltner Channels
6 Month Hi/Low
52 Week Hi/Low
As you see, SMA & EMA offer numerous time periods. The shorter the time period, the more alerts you will receive – especially when set on Watchlists.
Note: The Active Alert box on the left side of the Alert Management page will have ‘wl‘ indicated when the alert is on a Watchlist.
A Reminder on Alerts:
Alerts are RealTime if you have Streaming Quotes on the platform – OR – have a linked brokerage account that provides RealTime quotes to the platform – AND – have logged into that account in the last 30 days.
Alerts on OTC stocks will be delayed
Make sure to enable “Push Notifications” on your computer as well as mobile devices (if you have the app downloaded). You do not have to be logged into the platform to receive alerts as long as you have these notices activated.
Information Button – Alert Management Page
An Information Button has been added to the Alert Management page.
Located next to the Method drop-down, (i) clicking on this button will display in-depth information on criteria available to set your alerts.

Trade from Charts (Live, Virtual, Manual or Staged Orders)

Submitting existing trades or staged orders is streamlined.
In the example chart above, there are two staged orders and a Live Trade.
Clicking “Trade“, located above the stock chart , will display a menu of an existing trade(s) in the activated trade account.
Staged Orders, on the same symbol, will display regardless of the trade account activated.
Staged orders will be shown in bold/black.
Active trades, whether Live, Virtual or Manual will be shown lighter/blue.
To the right is what displays after clicking “Trade”:
1. Open (Enter) the Bull Call Position
2. Open (Enter) the Straddle Position
3. Close the existing Active Trade (Manual, Virtual or Live)
The next action will take you to the Order Ticket to continue the trade process, as usual.

Change Log
- Ability to save Backtested trades after Market hours restored
- Dividend display corrected
- Adjusted links in BZ news
- Mobile App – scrolling issue resolved in Scans
Alert Functionality (Premium Desktop Feature)
Alert Functionality
Alerts can greatly improve trading effectiveness by notifying you on a potential trade opportunity and help you decide when to manage, enter or exit a trade.
Set up Alert notifications based on Last Price, Volume, $ Change, % Change, or % Offset.
If you’ve logged into the platform with either Streaming Quotes or RealTime Quotes through a linked brokerage account *within the last 30 days* – Alerts will be Real Time.

Alert Icons
- Add (+) New Alert – This icon is located on the symbol Quote Box
- Hollow Bell – Active Alert, not triggered
- Shaking Bell – Triggered alert, not yet viewed
- Solid Bell – Alert triggered today, already viewed
- Paused (z) or Used Alert – located in Alert Management Page

Set Your Alert
Click the Alert Icon, located on the symbol Quote Box. The symbol, Score Icons, Last Price, $ and % Change automatically fill in. To complete the rest:
- Select Method: 23 to choose from! See list below
- Select Operator: Above/Equal To or Below/Equal To
- Enter Value: $, % or Quantity (Quantity example: 11,000,000 or 11M)
- Select Expiration: Valid up to 6 months. Click on Calendar Icon to navigate months
- Add Notes, if desired
- Click Save
An Information notification appears: Alert Successfully Saved
Alert Management
Manage your Alerts by going to: Research Tab>Alerts.
From this page, you can modify or remove alerts, view unread triggered alerts in one location and view prior alerts.
- Select Method: See List on right
- Select Operator: Above/Equal To or Below/Equal To
- Enter Value: $, % or Quantity (Quantity example: 11,000,000 or 11M)
- Select Expiration: Valid up to 6 months. Click on Calendar Icon to navigate months
- Add Notes, if desired
- Click Save
An Information notification appears: Alert Successfully Saved

Active Alerts
This table lists all active alerts including:
Trigger notification – A bell icon appears if alert was triggered
Delayed Alert icon, if applicable
Settings – Method, Operator, Value
Expiration Date – Alerts can be active for up to 6 months
Ability to modify or remove from list

Alert Notifications
In addition to platform notifications, as long as you allow notifications, alerts can be sent to your computer or mobile device even if you are not logged into the platform.

Hollow Bell
The Hollow Bell indicates this Alert is Active, but has not been Triggeredwill appear next to the symbol whether on the QuoteBox in Research or on a Watchlist .
Ringing Bell
The Ringing Bell icon indicates the alert has been triggered and notification sent out. The highlighted area on the Quote Box or where it appears on a Watch List allows you to access the alert notification by clicking on the bell.
This display will show until the alert is read either from a Watch List, Quote Box or the Alert History section of the Alert Page.

Solid Bell
Once an Alert is read or “Marked As Read” on the Alert Notification page, the icon becomes a Solid Bell.
Clicking on the icon will still display the triggered alert until the next Market Day.
Alert History
This section displays triggered alerts for the time period selected: Today or All. The highlighted entries are Unread Notifications – the notices were not clicked on from the platform.
Click “Mark All as Read” to update entries.

A note about Real-Time & Delayed Alerts
Note: There are two ways 15 minute Delayed Alert Notification applies with Alerts:
1. If it’s been more than 30 days since a linked brokerage account with RealTime Quotes has been logged into – OR – the platform does not have Streaming Quotes.
2. OTC stocks will show as delayed, regardless of RealTime or Streaming Quotes
One of two notices will appear for each Alert
Premium Features Release: Custom Home Page & Alert Functionality
Features Release Notes:
Custom Home Page, Alert Capability
Announcing: New Powerful Premium Features Added to the Trade Tool Trading Platform
Two new features, exclusive to the premium desktop version of the trading platform have been designed and implemented to help you make better trading decisions and have more control in managing existing trades.
Custom is located in the redesigned former Market Tab and gives you control of features you want to see in one customizable location.
Alerts gives you more control of your trading by setting up notifications set by your criteria.
Both features allow for expansion on future releases.
Custom Home Page

You now have a Custom Home page!
Located in the “Home” Tab (formerly Market), this is a flexible feature which allows for a convenient way to research trades or find opportunities – in one place – all defined by you.
Start by adding Widgets: Chart, Quote and News pertaining to the stock, and even Market News The platform system will automatically adjust according to the available space on your desktop/laptop.
Each symbol can have multiple Chart set-ups – each with their own time period, chart type and indicators.
Want to rearrange the widgets? Custom allows you to do so.
Want to keep the settings, but change the selected stocks quickly? That’s covered too.

Alert Functionality

Alert capability gives you more control of managing existing trades or being notified of possible trade opportunities. Set by Last Price, $ or % Change, % Offset or Volume.
Receive triggered alerts on your computer and/or mobile device (with the mobile app).
Alert Management, located in Research, allows for easy modifying or removing active alerts from your current list.
Increase your profitability while minimizing risk on existing trades with this powerful feature!
Alerts are easily set up from the Research Dashboard.
Click on the bell icon, located in the Quote Box,
Complete each field
Click “Save”
Quotes are RealTime if you have Streaming Quotes on the platform – OR – have a linked brokerage account that provides RealTime quotes to the platform – AND – have logged into that account in the last 30 days.

Change Log
- Researching Staged Orders resolved
- Adjustments/Building trades in Order Ticket issues corrected
- Deleting Snapshot trade in chain corrected
- Research/Dashboard/EPS data aligned
- Scroll bar improvement on PCs in Journal, Watch Lists
- Corrected “Position/Order Display” on Charts
- “Existing Positions” label displays on Charts
- Earnings display corrected when adding 10,30,60,90 periods
- TDA – History data updated
- TDA – Login resolved for Android mobile & Google Pixel