Add New #tags and Auto-Tagging

Trade Finder Scans have #tags that will automatically appear on the corresponding trade tabs in the Journal, such as #BullCall, #BullPut or #CoveredCall, for example.   Trades built manually will default to #custom.  In addition, trades that have expired will be auto-tagged: #expiration.

You can revise these tags and/or add your own, by the following steps:
1.  On the Journal Tab, select the Trade entry you wish to edit by clicking on the Pencil Icon.
2.  In the Tags section (lower part of box), start typing the word/phrase you wish to use.  Example:  favorite
(It is not necessary to enter the ‘#’ symbol first).
3. Click on “Add (#NewTag)“, then Save.
4. The new Tag will be on the individual Trade tab and the Analytics section of the Journal.

Journal - Color Tagging

After Reconciling your closed trades, click “OK” to have the Journal entries updated.

Yellow tag:  There was a change in the Option position.  For example, an option was exercised before expiration – or the order was adjusted.

No tag:  There was no change and the Option expired worthless.

Green Tab:  Profitable trade

Red Tab: Losing trade


Other Navigation

Icons = Navigation

The Action (Arrow) icon will provide different actions depending on where you are in the platform.  For example if you are in the Market or Find tab, ‘Detail‘ will provide a Quote Popup. ‘Research‘ will take you to the Dashboard – overview – of the stock. ‘Options‘ will take you to that part of the platform etc.

When in a “Trade Finder Scan” (identified by the  icon), the Action icon choices includes: ‘Analyze Position’ which will take you to the Options tables and/or ‘Trade’ which will lead you to the Order Ticket of the Brokerage Account from the menu.

The Action Icon is also found in the Journal.  Under the “Positions” tab, clicking on the icon allows you to Expand/Collapse details of the trade, Analyze or Close the trade among other choices.