Custom (Premium Desktop Feature)
Custom Page – Customize What You Want To See
Custom Page
You’ll find Custom under the Home tab (formerly Market tab). Trade Central gives you a one-stop view of your selected Stocks/ETFs. Add Quote Boxes, Multiple Charts and News for your selections and overall Market News.
Rearrange the content to fit your preferences, the platform will adjust to maximize the view according to the device you are using.
This is a flexible feature with a number of ways to structure the Custom page. The widgets are adjustable, allowing you to rearrange, add, substitute or remove as needed.
Read below to learn more and get started:

Add Widgets
Check the box for “Quote“, “Chart“, and/or “News” and enter quantity for each then click “Enter”.
Add the Symbol in the appropriate box for the data to populate.
Note: To remove a widget, click the ‘x’ in the upper right corner of the box.

Chart Widget
After adding “Chart” widget and Stock/ETF symbol, click the Gear Icon (upper right corner of widget box) to select:
Time Period: 1 Day, 1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month or 1 Year
Chart Types: Candlestick, OHLC or Line
Indicators: Over a dozen indicators available to add to each chart. You can edit and remove/change selected indicators on each chart.
Custom lets you add multiple chart set-ups per Symbol for a convenient way to research existing trades or find opportunities.
Widget Settings
Rather than enter a symbol on each Chart, Quote or News component, you can assign a number to each widget.
Then, using the Watchlist displayed on the left side of the screen, click the Action Icon (triangle) to left of Stock Symbol you want to display and assign a number, 1 thru 12
The widgets with that number will automatically populate accordingly.
To change displaying one symbol to another using a Watchlist, simply click on the Action Icon of new Symbol and select the number of the current Symbol you want to replace.

Adjust Custom Display
Adjust the order display by clicking on the Re-Arrange button on the Upper Right corner of Trade Central screen.
The display changes to placeholder bars for easy drag/drop action. Re-Arrange button changes to “In Process“.
Click on the Bulls-Eye icon to the left of the Stock/ETF symbol, then drag/drop to new location.
When completed, click on “Save“, then “In Process” to return to Trade Central main view.
Technical Analysis
Technicals: The fastest indicators of The Score
In Technical Score, 3 primary categories of studies are evaluated – MACD, RSI, and Momentum.
Momentum is made up of 4 different trend analysis timelines.
5 = Stock over the 5-day moving average
15 = Stock over the 15-day moving average
5/21 = 5-day moving average over the 21-day moving average
15/50 = 15-day moving average over the 50 day moving average
Note: Momentum indication is from fastest to slowest. This can be helpful in determining your time frame/outlook for the appropriate strategies.
By clicking on the Technical Score Icon anywhere in the platform, you’ll be taken to the Chart Tab under Research for that Company/Symbol.
Go to Charts for more in-depth information.
Chart Navigation

Hovering the cursor over the icons will display it’s function.
In the upper right of the Chart screen, you can select which Chart Profile to research from the drop-down box, then save or delete the profile.
The next set of icons immediately below this gives more charting capabilities: Increase/Decrease price ranges, Reset price range, Hide/Show Navigation Bar, Move the date Back/Forward, Export/Print Chart
Chart Types
Lines, Bars, Candles & Comparisons
You have the flexibility in not only the way the data is displayed, but you also have choices in comparisons: Year-over-Year comparisons of your current Stock, up to a 5-year period. You can also compare your current stock to another stock, another index, ETF, etc.
Add/Delete/Save Chart Profiles
Create multiple chart profiles for your analysis. Saved profiles will remember your settings: chart type, time frame including “Extend By 10,30,60 or 90 Days”, indicators, etc.
After you’ve set up your chart:
1. Click the ‘Save’ Icon
2. You’ll be prompted to Overwrite an existing profile or Save as a new profile**
3. Click ‘Save’ – (the box will disappear after a second or two)
That’s it!
You can remove unwanted profiles by clicking the [x] icon to delete, located next to the ‘Save’ icon.
**Note: Active Trader, Options, and Standard View are System views and cannot be altered or deleted. You will be prompted to save the new settings or overwrite a different view.
Adjust Chart Height & Width
The height of the chart can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the tab under the main chart.
This is a feature unique per device. You can have separate settings for your laptop/desktop,notebook or even tablet.
To widen the chart, click the blue tab on the left side of the chart. This will collapse the Quote Bar to the left of the chart. You can ‘undo’ this by clicking the tab again.

Advanced Indicators
We offer select Advanced Upper and Lower Indicators that are not just derived from the price, including proprietary indicators like “Invest4Score” and “Insider Score”. They are accessible by using the “Add Indicator” drop-down box.
Upper Indicators include:
- Event Flags – showing Earnings and Dividends
- Journal Display
- Support/Resistance
- Extrema Trend Lines
Lower Indicators include:
- Historic Volatility/Implied Volatility
- Insider Score
- Institutional Percentage
- Invest4 Score
- Momentum Score
- Open Interest
- Options Volume
- Put Call Ratios
Lower Indicators
The “Add Indicator” drop-down box has a section of Lower Indicators you can add below the main chart.
Many of the Indicators allow you to customize the parameters prior to adding.
Once the Indicators are in place, the icon tool bar – found on the upper right above each graph- gives you the ability to edit (Gear), hide (Eye), move up/down (Arrows) or delete (X) to truly customize your view.
Adding & Arranging Indicators
Select to add to your studies.
Indicators are grouped by Upper Indicators (which will appear on the Chart) and Lower Indicators (listed below the chart)
Once selected, you can customize the parameters – including the type of line you want for Moving Averages.
The upper Indicator selection summary appears above the chart and has an associated toolbar that allows edits (gear) hide/display(eye), refresh, or remove..
Lower indicators can be displayed/hidden, move placement up/down, or delete it to truly customize your view.
Make sure to Save Your New Chart Settings
Note: You cannot alter System Views: Active Trader, Options or Standard View. You will be prompted to either Overwrite or Save as a New Profile another available profile, such as Default or another Personal View.

Customizing Indicators
Customize Indicator Settings – even in different Chart Profiles!
Customize the settings by clicking on the “Add Indicator” box at the top, center of the screen. Scroll to the Indicator you wish to add/edit. Left-click on the selection for a customization box to appear.
The Indicator window shows which settings can be changed.
Bonus! You can save different settings for the same indicator in different chart profiles. No need to change settings from one profile to the next.
In addition to the settings, this feature also provides a description of the indicator and the default settings.