Enabling Notifications
Below is a general guide to enabling Notifications on your Desktop/Laptop and Mobile devices.
Please note: Settings/Configurations vary by device. It is important for you to be familiar with your system/device. When in doubt, refer to the Help function on your computer/phone. An internet search of ‘How do I…” for your device is also helpful.
- Open the Apple Menu
- Select System Preferences
- Select Notifications
- Select Browser

Hint: While on the platform, click on the Lock Icon in the browser bar to check status of/enable notifications.

Customize how you want Notifications to display.
- Allow from Browser
- Banners or Alerts
- Allow Sound
- Sort functions – how often, when, what, etc.
Follow illustrations: Settings>Notification>App>Customize

- Click the Windows Icon to access PC Menu
- Select Settings>System
- Select “Privacy & Security” on the next window
- Under “Notifications”, select either “Allow” or “Ask”
Hint: While on the platform, click on the Lock icon in the browser to check the Notification status

Follow illustrations: Settings>Notifications>Apps>Customize/Manage

User Menu
Take a tour, have a question, change the theme – all from one place.
The User Menu is one of the 6-point Navigation system of this trading platform. You can access The Help Center from here, ask a support question, check your account, suggest a feature idea or provide feedback on the platform, even change the platform ‘theme’ (example “light” or “dark”) and more.